No one is harder on themselves than someone struggling with being overweight. They often suffer in silence, in hopes of not drawing any additional attention to their heaviness and the accompanying embarrassment. Unfortunately, some people believe poking a little “good-natured fun” at the overweight person may motivate them to lose the excess weight. However, instead of motivating the person, experience tells us that fat-shaming “jokes” most often make them feel worse about themselves, causing them to eat more and gain more weight.
With over twenty years of experience, The Adkins Center team fully understands that the complexities of obesity result in more than just physical struggles. Countless unsuccessful attempts at dieting, futile efforts to disguise weight with wardrobe “tricks”, and the everyday stress of having to interact with people in public, present an obese person with a unique set of mental challenges as well.
As Dr. Adkins explains, “weight loss surgery is a proven, powerful tool that can result in a total transformation of the patient’s life - physically and mentally.”