Georgia O
“Obesity is no way to live!…I was sick and tired of not being able to play flag football with friends, or having to sit in a handicapped seat at a theater! Even worse, as a young man, I was not “functioning” the way a man should function.”

Ryan P. Patient

Everyday living can either be relatively routine and effortless or - in Ryan’s case - an uphill grind that leaves you tired, embarrassed and depressed. As Ryan also noted, with men it can be a barrier to full enjoyment of social and romantic relationships. Excess weight coupled with the limited activity due to joint pain, blood pressure meds, sleep apnea, erectile dysfuntion, and countless other obesity-related health issues, can often prevent men from developing romantic relationships.

With over twenty years of weight loss surgery experience, The Adkins Center team fully understands that the daily challenges of obesity result in physical struggles that leave patients depressed and often hopeless. Countless unsuccessful attempts at dieting, and the everyday stress of having to overcome the obstacles of obesity can prevent an overweight person from living an active life.

As Dr. Adkins explains, “weight loss surgery is a proven, powerful tool that can result in a total transformation of the patient’s life - physically and mentally.”

I’ve never felt better… down 170 lbs and living the type of life Dr. Adkins told me I could!

Watch Ryan’s story